Monday, December 19, 2011

d'artiste: Fashion Design

OK, I admit it, I'm jealous.  Why?  That's easy to answer. I'm jealous because the artists in Ballistic Publishing's tenth title in its d'artiste series: Fashion Design, Digital Artists Master Class - make designing clothes and fashions look so easy.

It's not, at least for me.  I have great respect (and a little envy) for these artists who have mastered the human figure to the point that draping it in clothes seems like second nature.  Let me tell you, clothing a human figure is a lot harder than just drawing it naked or in tights. 

It's difficult enough drawing figures and clothing them freehand-now try doing it on computer!  That's exactly what Alessia Zambonin, Annie Stegg and Lois van Baarle do. 

Even more impressive than that is that they all provide tutorials on how to do it.  Readers will learn how to not only draw figures using computer software, but how to dress them, create hairstyles, design fabric, select the proper settings, choose color schemes, pose characters, set modes and so much more.

You'll learn about color theory, folds and texture in various fabrics, how clothing hangs and drapes over the body, how to start with sketches and progress to finished illustrations, the intricacies of painting software (including layering), artist collaboration, program cross-platforming and how to develop your own unique style and vision.

This is far more than a book about Fashion Design.  It is a compilation of artist insights, tips, tricks, techniques and valuable advice on how to become a better artist, designer and professional.

Yes, I'm jealous, but I'm also extremely grateful that these artists are willing to share their knowledge about Fashion Design. I plan on using what I've learned and applying it to my own illustrations and designs.

Fashion Design is a beautifully softbound book printed on coated stock and protected in a hardbound slipcover with matching cover illustration.

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