Thursday, December 26, 2013

Slowing Down

A funny thing has happened the last couple of years.  I've found myself loosing interest with things that used to be so important to me.

Creativity is slowly ebbing away and what's really startling is that I don't care.  Drawing has all but disappeared from my life, writing is relegated to reviews and reading has become a bore-at least reading fiction books have.

I guess I've come to the age that book plots have become far too familiar.  If a fiction book doesn't grab my attention in the first two chapters I never finish it.

I still like reading comic books, magazines, collecting toys, etc. but they don't seem quite as important as they used to.  I'll soon be 61 and (let's be honest) I won't be around too much longer.

All that trouble I went to to collect things will mean nothing once I'm gone.  So.....I plan on selling off my collection soon after my retirement and using the money to travel with my wife and enjoy the few years we have left.

I used to be terrified of death.  I'm in no hurry to die but death has become less something I dread and more like the next step in my existence.  I'm so thankful to God that I know where I'll be spending eternity.

It will be an exciting day when I get to meet up with dearly departed loved ones and friends and my Savior.

It's been said that you'll never see a U-haul behind a hearse.  There's nothing here that I'd want to take with me.

I've had a good life-nothing exciting- a little boring-but a good life-safe, loved and my needs met.  Who could ask for more?

I hope when my time comes that all the collectibles I've accumulated have gone to others who will enjoy them and cherish them as much as I have.

Life is not about being still.  It's about moving forward.  This life is only the beginning.  I get to spend eternity with my savior Jesus Christ.  Amen to that!