Thursday, September 22, 2016

Central Intelligence Unrated

In my opinion one of the most unappreciated actors currently in films is one-time WWE wrestler Dwayne Johnson (The Rock). 

Over the last 10-15 years Dwayne has proven himself to be an actor of wide scope from intense action and drama to witty and satirical comedy.

He is fearless with his acting.  Whether its a sentimental, heart-string pulling moment or the willingness to dress up in the most ridiculous outfits Dwayne takes on all challenges-much like he did during his wrestling career.

In the Central Intelligence Unrated Blu-ray release from Warner Bros. Dwayne plays one-time, overweight and bullied geek Bob who completely turned his life around as he grew older.
Enlisting in the CIA he becomes one of the agency's top operatives. 

When he attends his high school reunion he teams up with his reluctant 'big man on campus' former schoolmate who is now an account.

Together they plunge head-first into the world of espionage complete with spies, hired killers, shoot-outs, stand-offs and danger.

Join Dwayne Johnson and his costar and comedian Kevin Hart as they prove that opposites do attract and that you can never know what your life might bring your way. 

Johnson and Hart prove to be an outrageously funny team offering up plenty of laughs as they manage to take on the world of Central Intelligence without much intelligence of their own.

Blu-ray extras include a Director's commentary, a gag reel, alternate scenes and other outrageous featurettes.